In Tamil Nadu, this hill station has the wonders of nature around every corner. Kodaikanal is best explored on foot, with a camera in your hand to snap photographs of the hidden gems you’ll discover as you traverse the many forest trails. Trekking in Kodaikanal is one of the best things to do when you visit this lush, emerald paradise that promises gorgeous vistas from different viewpoints.
From Bear Shola Falls that overflows in a spout of icy diamond droplets or the Kodaikanal Pine Forest with towering trees stretching above you, trekking in Kodaikanal reveals a different side of the ‘Princess of the Hills’ and increases your sense of wonder of the beautiful, untamed wilderness. Other spots that should be put on your trekking itinerary include the iconic Pillar Rocks and Guna Caves, Dolphin’s Nose, Silver Cascade Falls, and Canopy Hill.
The magic of trekking lies in the thrill of discovering new sights and challenging your limits. While trekking in Kodaikanal, don’t forget to take the off-beaten track, walking along trails that wind through the forests, spotted with wildlife and indigenous plants. Maybe you’ll uncover your own waterfalls or viewpoints to take in the splendor of the ‘Princess of the Hills’ and this is part of the joy of trekking in Kodaikanal.
So which spots in Kodaikanal should you hit up first? This hill station is studded with nature’s jewels and when you go sightseeing, you should make sure you tick off its best ones first!
Here is our list for the top trekking spots in Kodaikanal.
Perumal Malai Peak is a spectacular high peak in Kodaikanal in the Perumal Malai hills. A popular trekking spot, the trek starts off from the village at the foothills which is 11 km away from Kodai. The peak gives you glorious vistas of green landscapes interspersed with craggy brown stretches of rocks and grassy slopes on either side.
The trek is 7km and if you start off your hike early in the morning, you’ll be treated to drifts of creamy mists drifting across your surroundings like a white blanket. You can also pitch your tent near the peak for overnight camping and enjoy waking up to the sun as it pierces through the sky and lights up the countryside.
With slender pine trees stretching in front of you for miles, with spiky branches overhead, the Kodaikanal Pine Forest looks like a movie scene come to life. The forests were cultivated in 1908 by H.D. Bryant and have slowly grown to encompass large acres of trees.
The trekking trail is covered with dried leaves and cones, which can make it slippery to walk on and adds to the fun of the experience. Within the forest, you can take pictures or sit between the trees, enjoying the lovely stillness and silence of the trees that surround you as you catch glimpses of the blue sky overhead.
An iconic viewpoint, Dolphin’s Nose gets its name from its unique shape that resembles the blunt snout of a dolphin. Situated at an altitude of 6600 feet, Dolphin’s Nose gives you beautiful views of craggy terrain, blue skies, plunging valleys and luxuriant forests. The entire route is 3 km long and is easy to moderately difficult as it takes you through the Palani Hill Range. Before you start off on your trek, you can interact with the locals at the village on the foothills and enjoy a cup of ginger chai brewed in the village style before embarking on your journey.
As you walk, you’ll witness clouds of fog draping itself across mountain ranges and valleys giving you an enchanting misty effect as you trudge onwards. Dolphin’s Nose is best enjoyed if you stay there for a little while, so pack your lunch and anything else you might need so you can spend your day at this glorious cliff.
Edging the Guna Caves, Pillar Rocks are massive chunks of stone that contour this majestic cliff, reaching a height of 400 feet. According to legend, there was once a white cross here that was a symbol of love left by a couple but this has long been lost due to the passage of time. Near the Pillar Rocks, you can explore Guna Caves or Devil’s Kitchen.
The caves are called Devil’s Kitchen because of the mesmerizing effect of misty fog passing through the cave, rising up and escaping out of an opening that resembles a chimney. The region is a popular trekking spot and is also a great place to have a picnic, so make sure you carry a hamper of goodies and perch yourself near the Pillar Rocks to enjoy beautiful vistas as you chow down on your lunch.
Perumal Malai Peak is a spectacular high peak in Kodaikanal in the Perumal Malai hills. A popular trekking spot, the trek starts off from the village at the foothills which is 11 km away from Kodai. The peak gives you glorious vistas of green landscapes interspersed with craggy brown stretches of rocks and grassy slopes on either side.
The trek is 7km and if you start off your hike early in the morning, you’ll be treated to drifts of creamy mists drifting across your surroundings like a white blanket. You can also pitch your tent near the peak for overnight camping and enjoy waking up to the sun as it pierces through the sky and lights up the countryside.
With slender pine trees stretching in front of you for miles, with spiky branches overhead, the Kodaikanal Pine Forest looks like a movie scene come to life. The forests were cultivated in 1908 by H.D. Bryant and have slowly grown to encompass large acres of trees.
The trekking trail is covered with dried leaves and cones, which can make it slippery to walk on and adds to the fun of the experience. Within the forest, you can take pictures or sit between the trees, enjoying the lovely stillness and silence of the trees that surround you as you catch glimpses of the blue sky overhead.
An iconic viewpoint, Dolphin’s Nose gets its name from its unique shape that resembles the blunt snout of a dolphin. Situated at an altitude of 6600 feet, Dolphin’s Nose gives you beautiful views of craggy terrain, blue skies, plunging valleys and luxuriant forests. The entire route is 3 km long and is easy to moderately difficult as it takes you through the Palani Hill Range. Before you start off on your trek, you can interact with the locals at the village on the foothills and enjoy a cup of ginger chai brewed in the village style before embarking on your journey.
As you walk, you’ll witness clouds of fog draping itself across mountain ranges and valleys giving you an enchanting misty effect as you trudge onwards. Dolphin’s Nose is best enjoyed if you stay there for a little while, so pack your lunch and anything else you might need so you can spend your day at this glorious cliff.
Edging the Guna Caves, Pillar Rocks are massive chunks of stone that contour this majestic cliff, reaching a height of 400 feet. According to legend, there was once a white cross here that was a symbol of love left by a couple but this has long been lost due to the passage of time. Near the Pillar Rocks, you can explore Guna Caves or Devil’s Kitchen.
The caves are called Devil’s Kitchen because of the mesmerizing effect of misty fog passing through the cave, rising up and escaping out of an opening that resembles a chimney. The region is a popular trekking spot and is also a great place to have a picnic, so make sure you carry a hamper of goodies and perch yourself near the Pillar Rocks to enjoy beautiful vistas as you chow down on your lunch.
When it comes to Kodaikanal, its beautiful outdoors are what its known for, lush, green and soothing, this hill station is a pearl hidden in Tamil Nadu and is best appreciated when you immerse yourself fully in its untamed loveliness. Camping in Kodaikanal gives you the chance to rough it in the outdoors as you break away from the traditional four walls of a hotel room and fall asleep under a night sky embedded with slivers of ice, and the sweet scent of grass wafting through your tent.
Adventure is around every corner when you try camping in Kodaikanal. Even brewing a simple mug of coffee becomes thrilling when you spark a bonfire and use its flames to heat your saucepan of coffee. The ‘Princess of the Hills’ is a trekkers paradise with gorgeous spots that are well known and smaller trails that few have walked on, leading to waterfalls, craggy cliffs high in the air, gurgling streams surrounded by wildflowers and grassy meadows perfect for a picnic under a bright blue sky.
Camping in Kodaikanal can take you to rustic spots far away from crowded homestays and towns, where simplicity is the main feature. Harmonize yourself with your surroundings and tap into serenity as you snuggle up amidst the grassy slopes of Kodai.
Although cities have their own charm, long days within rows of concrete houses that block out the beauty of the sky, evenings filled with television and roads with sparse greenery peppered with drifts of hot dust, can sap our energy and leave us longing for the simplicity and serenity of the outdoors.
Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu recharges your body, mind, heart and soul. This hill station has a pleasant, cool climate that allows you to take treks along forested paths, sip on tea as you take in the enchanting vistas and sight the indigenous wildlife that make the hills their home. Sightseeing in Kodaikanal is a delight for naturalists with a plethora of natural wonders that will leave you speechless. If you love lakes, Kodai Lake, Berijam Lake and Mannavanur Lake are azure slices of heaven with glistening water that reflects the creamy clouds on its surface and lotus blossoms unfurling their petals during the summer season. You can skip rocks across the water or pack a picnic to have on its green banks as you take in the gorgeous vista.
Sightseeing in Kodaikanal is incomplete without languorous treks to viewing points that will treat you to misty hued valleys and carpets of dense greenery. Dolphin’s Nose is a popular point that is known for its unique snub nose shape that resembles the snout of a dolphin and unveils views of rugged terrain, grassy slopes and towering trees. Uncover the mysterious secrets of the Guna Caves or gaze at the massive pillar rocks that mark the entrance.
From activities to leisure, sightseeing in Kodaikanal is sure to leave you enthralled, beckoning you to revisit the ‘Kashmir of India’ again and again.
The comfort of home is something we can seldom willingly leave behind. Wouldn’t it be perfect if we could carry home with us wherever we go and enjoy our surroundings as we sink back into love and care even when we travel? The homestays in Kodaikanal combine nature with simplistic luxury so you can enjoy the rugged outdoors of Tamil Nadu with the homely care you love.
At the homestays in Kodaikanal, you can choose to camp in a cozy tent or stay within stone cottages that come complete with fireplaces, modern toilets, spectacular views of the misty hills and delicious home cooked meals that have a different flavour when you dine in the sunshine amidst grassy slopes. The hill station is bursting with beautiful spots in nature such as cliff edges that overlook deep, yawning valleys, waterfalls cascading forth in icy droplets and merrily bubbling streams that invite you to sit besides its waters and unwind surrounded by the fluting sounds of birdsong and crickets chirping.
The homestays in Kodaikanal primarily aim to promote eco-tourism and sustainable living. You can traverse through organic farms, prepare your own meals and unplug from the endless Zoom meetings and work calls that pepper our daily lives in the city.