Nestled in the serene surroundings of Gandhinagar, Gujarat, lies the captivating Sant Sarovar Dam, also known as the Dharoi Dam. Constructed on the Sabarmati river near Dharoi village, this gravity dam stands tall as a testament to engineering marvel and natural beauty. The dam, built in 1978, not only serves the crucial purpose of controlling the river's currents but also provides water for irrigation and drinking needs in the region.
Visitors to Sant Sarovar Dam are greeted with a scenic vista of the 6 km long reservoir, creating a tranquil oasis known for its picturesque charm. The dam's surface area of 30.8 square kilometers offers ample space for water-based recreational activities and a refreshing dip in the holy river. However, caution is advised during the monsoon season when the currents are stronger and the area can become slippery.
For those seeking a peaceful retreat away from the crowds, weekdays or early mornings are recommended to experience the true essence of this hidden gem. The early morning views from the top of the dam provide a soulful experience, perfect for rejuvenating the mind and body. Nature enthusiasts will find solace in the pure tranquility of the surroundings, ideal for a leisurely stroll or a serene moment by the flowing Sabarmati river.
Despite occasional restrictions and closures for maintenance, Sant Sarovar Dam remains a popular destination for picnickers, photographers, and nature lovers alike. The dam's hydroelectric power station, with an installed capacity of 16.5 MW, adds to the allure of this multifaceted attraction. Whether it's capturing the beauty of the dam for a photoshoot or embarking on an adventurous hike near the stream, Sant Sarovar Dam offers a diverse range of experiences for visitors of all tastes.
Overall, Sant Sarovar Dam promises a unique blend of natural splendor and man-made ingenuity, making it a must-visit destination for those looking to connect with nature's beauty and experience the tranquil allure of Gujarat's landscape.